Knowing whether a female employee is PMSing supercharges my ability to assess her. A woman doesn’t grab a beer with the boys while on her period? Legitimate excuse. The same woman cries about the performance review while not on her period? She’s probably pregnant.
Gender inequality is such a complex field. But these guys did their research. They went around asking dozens of their tech exec friends about it. I've not met anyone else who has done more legwork than them.
Randy's passion in life is to help women overcome the biological barriers holding them back from becoming a man. He's the same guy who made the Pee Funnel so women can stand while peeing. It definitely made women more confident when speaking up and negotiating their salaries.
Initially, I was skeptical. I thought it was unfair for me to pay for an app the majority of our workforce couldn’t use. But then they told me about their Big Data! These guys can tell us when the women are on their periods—which means we know when they’re PMSing!